Sporting recovery and performance
Somatic Movement Education is a wonderful way to help your body recover from your sporting activities and training. This is a very gentle way of restoring function into those over worked and often abused muscles. It will help you gain full access to your natural strength.
What if your body could rest and recover all night?
If you go to bed with tight muscles the brain will not be releasing them when you sleep and you will wake up stiff and tight. The very last input you give the brain before sleep is where it focuses its attention as you sleep. There are brain cells that act as ‘body guards’ working all night to ‘clean up’ and make sure everything is working properly, this is why sleep is so important. If the last thing you did before bed was to get down on the floor and do a few minutes of Somatic Movement Thomas Hanna style you can go to bed with released relaxed muscles and the brain will keep them that way as you sleep.
Want a great way to prepare your body for your activity?
Have you seen what a cat or dog do when they awake? They do what appears like a big stretch but which is really a yawn, they tighten their muscles before releasing them and then run off to get on with their day. If the first thing you do on waking is to get down on the floor and do a few minutes of Somatic Movement Thomas Hanna style you will free these muscles up and be ready for action. You can add these into your warm up routines for training and competition day.
Do you spend a lot of time training to increase your strength?
Great but if you always have tight muscles they limit full access to your strength and create friction in your movement. Think of who is the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt. When he is in action he is probably the most relaxed athlete the world has ever seen. Tight muscles are usually fatigued and not accessing their full range of strength. If you release the tension the muscles will seize to be fatigued and regain their natural strength. A few minutes on the floor doing Somatic Movement Thomas Hanna style may give you access to more strength adding in a simple and gentle way of improving the training you are already doing. You may even discover that you can do less to achieve more.
"If you don't look after your own body where are you going to live?"